5.42 Clinical Experience of Berinert
in Abdominal Attacks
In an intraindividual retrospective comparison in 75 HAE
patients, 4,834 abdominal attacks treated with Berinert
were compared with 17,444 untreated abdominal attacks.
Mean duration of attacks was 39.9 hours
(SD =30.0 hours) with Berinert
therapy vs
92 hours (SD = 40.8 hours) without treatment.
Maximal pain as rated by the patients on a scale of
1 to 10 (1 = very mild pain; 10 = extremely severe,
unbearable pain) was distinctly lower in the
-treated HAE episodes (4.5) than in the
untreated ones (8.6).
Vomiting occurred in 6% of the treated attacks vs
83.3% of the untreated attacks.
Diarrhea occurred in only 11% of the treated
episodes vs 41.8% of the untreated episodes.
Hypovolemia-related circulatory collapse was
observed in only 0.1% of the HAE attacks treated
with Berinert
vs 3.5% of the untreated attacks.
5.43 Clinical Experience of Berinert
in Laryngeal Attacks
In a retrospective collection of case data on the treatment
of HAE patients who suffered from laryngeal edema, the
patients who had received Berinert
were compared with
historical controls that had not received C1-INH concentrate.
Overall, 18 patients received 500 or 1,000 IU Berinert
during 193 laryngeal episodes. Berinert
was effective in
all patients.
Mean onset of symptom improvement was
42.2 minutes (SD =19.9 minutes).
Mean time to complete regression of the symptoms
was 15.3 hours (SD =9.3 hours) in the Berinert
treated patients vs 100.8 hours (SD =26.2 hours)
in the control group.